Home > tips, tricks > Rename at a time to many files

Rename at a time to many files

You have a lots of photos in some folder on your computer, all have numbers-names, and you want to name them like Home1.jpg, Home2.jpg, … Don’t need to do that one by one. You can do that automatically with this little trick.

Open that folder and chose View – Thumbnails

i)Left click on any picture and CTRL + A. That way you will select all files in that folder.

ii)Right click on first pic and chose “Rename” from drop-down menu.
Renaming files tip

Windows XP will highlight name of that file and you will be able to name it. After filling the name, click somewhere outside, in white space. You’re done. If you named firs file “Anything” all selected files will get names “Anything1”, “Anything2”, “Anything3”, and so on.

Categories: tips, tricks
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